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Healy: Keine wissenschaftliche Evidenz für Gesundheitsversprechen



Bei den Verbraucherzentralen beschweren sich immer mehr Menschen über das Produkt “Healy”. Verkäufer:innen behaupten, das Medizinprodukt würde beispielsweise bei chronischen Schmerzen, Schlafstörungen oder Depressionen helfen. Die Wirksamkeit von “Healy” ist aber nicht wissenschaftlich bewiesen.

Wovor warnen wir?

Die Verbraucherzentrale befasst sich seit einiger Zeit mit einem Gerät namens “Healy”, das am Körper wie ein Tracker getragen wird. Verkäufer:innen preisen das Gerät als bemerkenswertes Wundergerät an, das über individualisierte “Frequenzen” Leiden lindern soll. Sie behaupten, das Medizinprodukt würde zum Beispiel bei chronischen Schmerzen, Schlafstörungen oder Depressionen helfen. Gegen solche irreführende Werbung eines Verkäufers ist die Verbraucherzentrale NRW bereits in einem Fall mit einer Abmahnung vorgegangen.

Besorgniserregend ist, dass in den letzten Tagen über 100 Beschwerden zum “Healy” von Verbraucher:innen aus ganz Deutschland bei den Verbraucherzentralen eingegangen sind. Demnach bewerben Verkäufer:innen offenbar immer wieder die Anwendung des Geräts bei kranken Kindern.

Die Verbraucherzentralen halten die Werbung zum Produkt “Healy” für irreführend, weil es keinen Beweis der Wirksamkeit des Produkts gibt. Auch auf der Website des Herstellers finden sich diverse Disclaimer, die darauf hinweisen, dass die Wirksamkeit des “Healy” nicht wissenschaftlich bewiesen ist und von der “Schulmedizin” nicht anerkannt wird. Trotzdem verwenden Verbraucher:innen das Gerät möglicherweise bei schweren Erkrankungen. Das kann gefährlich werden, wenn dadurch wichtige medizinische Behandlungen unterlassen werden.

Recherchen – beispielsweise des Wissenschaftsmagazins “Quarks” und von “Medizin transparent” – kommen ebenfalls zu dem Urteil, dass es “keinerlei Belege für die Wirksamkeit von Healy” gibt.

Was können Sie tun?
Bevor Sie ein Produkt kaufen, besonders ein so teures, sollten Sie sich detailliert darüber informieren. Suchen Sie nach unabhängigen Quellen bzw. Studien und durchleuchten Sie die Werbeversprechen der Hersteller.

Im Fall “Healy” wird immer wieder von der “Harmonisierungen des bioenergetischen Feldes” gesprochen. Diese Sprache ist bereits ein Indiz dafür, dass es sich hier nicht um eine medizinische Anwendung handelt, wie das Unternehmen auch selbst (versteckt) auf seiner Website eingesteht.

Sollten Sie das Produkt kürzlich erworben haben, nutzen Sie Ihr Recht auf Widerruf. Das Widerrufsrecht gilt in der Regel 14 Tage nach Abschluss eines Vertrages oder dem Erhalt bestellter Ware. Um einen Vertrag zu widerrufen, müssen Sie dies dem Händler oder Vertragspartner mitteilen. Senden Sie Ihren Widerruf in Textform, also via E-Mail, Fax oder Brief.
Auch nach Ende der Widerrufsfrist könnten Sie noch einen Anspruch auf Ihr Geld haben. Sollten Sie sich getäuscht fühlen, kann Ihnen eine individuelle Rechtsberatung helfen. Lassen Sie sich beispielsweise bei Ihrer Verbraucherzentrale beraten.

Der “Healy” wird auch über ein Multi-Level-Marketing-System vertrieben. Das wirft bei manchen Verbraucher:innen Fragen auf. Beim Multi-Level-Marketing oder auch Empfehlungs- bzw. Direktmarketing empfehlen und verkaufen Selbstständige Produkte einer Firma direkt an Endkund:innen. Kund:innen sollen vermehrt über soziale Medien wie Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp-Gruppen und -kanäle gewonnen werden. Aus Sicht der Verbraucherzentralen ist es besonders problematisch, dass Werbeaussagen bei einer Mund-zu-Mund-Bewerbung schwer zu kontrollieren und somit Beweispflicht und Überführung schwierig sind.

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Reasons Why Drumstick or Moringa Leaves Are Essential Superfoods This Season




Amidst our busy schedules, we often overlook the significance of maintaining our health, which can result in long-term health issues. One effective approach is to uphold a balanced diet. Drumstick leaves, also known as moringa, can be especially advantageous in this aspect. Here’s advice from a nutrition expert.

Drumstick leaves, also referred to as moringa leaves, are considered a superfood due to their content of 18 types of amino acids. “Moringa leaves are incredibly beneficial for hair and skin improvement because of their antioxidant properties,” stated dietitian Simrat Bhui.

These leaves are rich in calcium, making them a viable alternative to many calcium supplements. “Their high calcium content also proves beneficial for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis,” Bhui noted.

Additionally, Dr. Sangeeta Tiwari, a clinical nutritionist at Artemis lite, NFC, highlighted that drumstick leaves boast a high concentration of antioxidants like flavonoids, polyphenols, and beta-carotene. These antioxidants aid in neutralizing free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. “This can potentially protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes,” Dr. Tiwari explained.

According to Bhui, when mixed with water, moringa leaves become a potent detoxifying agent. “They cleanse the liver and are also used to treat upset stomachs,” Bhui added.

Furthermore, Bhui emphasized that moringa leaves aid in preventing cardiovascular ailments by managing high blood pressure. “Their anti-inflammatory properties contribute to maintaining good heart health, provided one adheres to a healthy diet and lifestyle,” Bhui remarked.

Bhui also mentioned that since moringa is rich in potassium and magnesium, it supports hydration and helps replenish lost fluids during hot summer months. However, moderation is key. “Moringa leaves, being grown in the tropical regions of India, are packed with hydrating properties. They can be consumed during summer as they are rich in vitamins C, A, and E, which boost immunity and energy levels,” Bhui recommended.

The high fiber content in drumstick leaves promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake. “Moreover, the antioxidants in these leaves may boost metabolism and promote fat burning,” Dr. Tiwari added.

Bhui suggested various ways to incorporate moringa leaves into meals, such as chopping and mixing them with flour for making rotis or parathas, or blending them into powder form to be consumed with water. “Moringa leaves hold incredible culinary value in any form,” Bhui concluded.

For those interested, here’s a quick recipe for drumstick leaves or moringa paratha, a nutritious dish that can be prepared in under 10 minutes, shared by Shalini Santhosh Kumar of Early Foods.


1 tsp Ghee Handful of Groundnuts 1/4 tsp Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp Cumin seeds Turmeric Long pepper Dry Ginger Salt to taste 1 bunch Drumstick leaves Handful of Fresh chopped coconut 1 small inch Tamarind


Heat oil in a pan, temper the spices until they splutter. Add spices and salt. Roast all remaining ingredients until they dry out. Cool and grind coarsely without adding water. Stuff the mixture into rotis and roll them evenly. Cook the paratha on medium flame with some ghee. Enjoy it with pickle, curd, or any sabzi.

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Turmeric Associated with Boosting ‘Beneficial’ Gut Bacteria in Mice in Latest Research




A recent study has established a connection between a solution containing curcumin, the primary component of turmeric, and the enhancement of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of mice.

Conducted by researchers from the University of Western São Paulo (UNOESTE) and São Paulo State University, the study revealed that Lactobacillus bacteria, commonly found in probiotic foods like yogurt, were approximately 25 percent more prevalent in mice treated with the curcumin solution compared to a control group.

The solution utilized was an emulsion containing nanometric particles of curcumin, forming a nanoemulsion, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This nanoemulsion was developed by the researchers to increase the effectiveness of curcumin in addressing inflammation and gut-related issues.

Despite curcumin’s recognition in treating inflammatory intestinal disorders, its bioavailability—meaning the amount that reaches the active site—is often limited when taken orally, especially in patients with conditions like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Professor Lizziane Kretli Winkelströter Eller from UNOESTE, the senior author of the study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, explained that the research involved two phases. Initially, they focused on producing a nanoemulsion for curcumin delivery, followed by evaluating its stability, morphology, and physicochemical attributes.

To induce intestinal inflammation, the researchers used indomethacin on mice and administered the curcumin nanoemulsion orally for two weeks. At the end of this period, they observed changes in gut microbiota, with an increase in beneficial bacteria and improved curcumin bioavailability, although the nanoemulsion did not significantly alleviate intestinal inflammation.

Eller noted, “While the nanoemulsion didn’t show significant improvement in intestinal inflammation, the presence of Lactobacillus bacteria was notably higher, about 25 percent, in mice treated with curcumin nanoemulsion compared to the control group.”

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Tips and Tricks for Staying Hydrated with Electrolyte-Rich Drinks During Summer Heat




As the summer season approaches, the issue of dehydration becomes a significant concern due to the rising temperatures and intense sun exposure. Shona Prabhu, a renowned sports and performance nutritionist with Fast&Up, explains to that the combination of heat and humidity during this time can lead to excessive sweating and fluid loss, ultimately resulting in dehydration.

In such circumstances, the importance of consuming electrolyte-rich drinks to replenish fluids becomes crucial for maintaining overall health and energy levels. Here are five recommended drinks by Prabhu to stay hydrated throughout the day:

  1. Coconut Water

Coconut water is highly beneficial during the summer as it is packed with essential electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and sodium, which are vital for maintaining proper hydration levels. Unlike sugary beverages, coconut water provides natural sugars that offer a quick energy boost without causing dehydration.

  1. Nimbu Pani (Lemon Water)

A refreshing and popular drink, nimbu pani is made by mixing fresh lemon juice with water and adding a pinch of salt or sugar. It not only quenches thirst but also provides a dose of vitamin C and electrolytes, aiding in hydration and replenishing lost minerals due to sweating.

  1. Chaas (Buttermilk)

Chaas, also known as buttermilk, is a probiotic drink made by diluting yogurt with water and adding spices like roasted cumin powder and salt. It provides a cooling effect, aids digestion, and replenishes electrolytes lost through sweating, making it an excellent choice for hydration during the summer.

  1. Jaljeera

Jaljeera is a favorite summer drink prepared by blending mint, coriander, cumin, and other spices with water. With its cooling properties and digestive benefits, jaljeera offers a refreshing option to stay hydrated while also stimulating the appetite.

In addition to these natural beverages, Prabhu shares some tips to maintain hydration levels throughout the day:

  • Carry a water bottle with you and sip water regularly; avoid waiting until you feel thirsty.
  • Include water-rich fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, and spinach in your diet.
  • Limit consumption of sugary drinks, caffeine, and alcohol, as they can act as diuretics and contribute to dehydration.
  • Be mindful of spicy and high-sodium foods in your diet, as they can increase thirst and fluid loss.
  • For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, hydrate with water before starting training and consume fluids at regular intervals during workouts, especially during prolonged or intense sessions.

Prabhu advises against consuming ORS electrolyte drinks unless there is a significant fluid loss. Instead, opt for natural electrolyte-rich drinks like coconut water post-workout to restore fluid balance and aid recovery.

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